Five key features were identified that each platform must offer to small businesses that want to sell products (physical and digital) online. Other platforms are available but were not considered because they would be to niche to appeal to most small and medium businesses. The tools and themes had to allow a person with moderate tech knowledge to create a modern, attractive, responsive online store using the available pieces. This was done without requiring a degree in computer science or graphic design. These picks should work if you know how to set up email on an iPhone.
The website builder had to be able to integrate everything with the brand’s existing materials. This one criterion eliminated so many platforms because they were either limited in their themes, too similar or old-fashioned, or required too much technical knowledge to use them PayPro Global was a significant factor. It is essential to be able to sell anything, anywhere, and however you choose. It had to deal with both physical and digital products and offer a way of managing sales taxes and shipping internationally. The last point is crucial for small businesses: If you plan to make international sales or have physical locations, you might be responsible for filing and collecting various taxes.
Only full-service platforms were considered. You must sell products through an eCommerce platform, manage orders, send goods, track inventories, and deal with backend admin and running of the store. The platform you select must work well with other services and apps you use for your business. This is why I ensured that the apps in this list had a variety of integrations. These could be through an extension, plug-in marketplace, or even built-in functionality. Your accounting software should allow you to send orders to the app directly.
The monthly cost had to be precise. The idea of opaque fees was out. And while the done-for-you solutions were great, they would cost SMBs thousands per month, far more than any SMB could afford to pay for setting up an eCommerce website. I created an account and set up an online shop to test the various online store builders! After signing up, I built a primary site and added some products. I followed all the steps someone just starting on this platform would take. The only thing that I did not do was to start selling.
It was sufficient to give me a good feel of most eCommerce website builders and to allow me to check that they met my main criteria. Then, I could compare the different eCommerce website builders to determine which was best for most people. It can be unclear when pricing for eCommerce platforms, as they are charged differently than other services. You may be set three fees for using an eCommerce platform.
You pay these fees when you charge a credit or debit card. This fee can be as high as 2.9%, plus $0.30. However, it decreases with higher volume payments and more significant upfront amounts. You can use the payment gateways of some platforms like Wix or Shopify. Others, such as Stripe and PayPal, rely solely on these services.